About Invasive Species
An invasive species is a plant or animal introduced to an environment where it is not native. Invasive species can cause great ecological and economic losses. Because they typically have no natural predators, they can reproduce and spread quickly, competing with native organisms for limited resources. This may result in the extinctions of native plants and animals, decrease in biodiversity, and altered habitats.
Currently, three aquatic invasive species (AIS) have established themselves in Lake Moraine: Eurasian watermilfoil, curly-leaf pondweed, and starry stonewort. Other invasive species that have been spreading in lakes around New York State include water chestnut, zebra mussels, and Asian clam. Pictures of these species can be viewed on the Department of Environmental Conservation website.
Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species
One of the most common ways an invasive species travels from lake to lake is by hitchhiking with humans. To help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species, remember to check, clean, drain and dry boats, trailers, and other fishing and boating equipment before use. See more information here.
1. Check your boat, trailer, and other fishing and boating equipment for invasive species. Common attachment points include the propeller, trailer bunks, fishing lures, and others.
2. Clean your boat and other equipment using a power washer or garden hose, or by going to the car wash. Discard any organisms in an AIS disposal station installed at many boat launches (including ours!).
3. Drain all water holding compartments in the boat, including live wells, bait wells and bilge areas.
4. Dry your boat and other equipment thoroughly. This could take 1-7 days depending on the temperature and humidity.
For more information, please visit the aquatic invasive species webpage of the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (http://www.nysfola.org/) or the Department of Environmental Conservation (http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/50121.html).
Thank you for keeping Lake Moraine invasion-free!
European Water Chestnuts
Please keep an eye out for any new invasive plants in our lake!
So far we have never seen European Water Chestnuts in Lake Moraine, but it's one of the worst invasives, and there are many regional water bodies that have it. It can cover the entire surface of a lake, making navigation impossible, if not controlled. This is one non-native plant that we really do not want in Lake Moraine.
The good news is, small new infestations can be eradicated fairly easily by hand-pulling and other simple measures.
Spotting this early is key, so keep a lookout on your waterfronts and when you are out on your boats.
Here is the NY State webpage about European Water Chestnuts (Trapa natans).
The DEC offers this information about how to become a Chestnut Chaser.
Let someone on the LMA Board know if you spotted one of these, please!
We especially need kayakers and homeowners keep an eye out for European Water Chestnut in the north basin.